key22 goodking work
modern, structured web programming

key22 goodking work does programming, database jobs and web coding, static web sites, dynamic web portals, shopping systems, blogs, you name it. We concentrate on structure and content. We like it simple. We provide quality work - see some samples!
The key22 goodking work website is built according to today's webstandards - as are all the sites we work on these days.
key22 goodking work was established end of 1998. At present, key22 goodking work is located in Bangkok and Stuttgart.
Being a small-size company we concentrate on small to mid-sized companies who need individual assistence and guidance.
We focuse on web-programming, client-side content control and database applications which can be used in e-commerce, blogs and standard web performances to introduce your business to the world.
With we have a second site for display. Basically just a urgently needed process. Well, either way, enjoy what's here!